To all parents and carers of children and Taw Tots and Exbourne Pre-School
Please find enclosed a weblink to the Taw Tots OFSTED inspection undertaken on Friday 12 April 2024. This report can be found on our website as well as on OFSTED’s Website.
We saw some positive areas of feedback in various parts of Taw Tots around Communication with parents being regular, and we as parents feel like we are kept well informed. We are also told about our children’s care needs. Children enjoy sharing books and show confidence reading.
Taw Tots has been judged inadequate in all areas, we found the ratings to be disappointing and set out some context below to help you understand how these settings were determined.
However, as the Charity’s Committee we take this very seriously, and we are already addressing Risk Assessment and Safeguarding matters as identified as being delivered in matter of urgency. We remain confident that the team can meet the required improvements outlined at the back of the OFSTED Report.
Please be assured that we take safeguarding and underperformance seriously and consider it a priority to ensure that your children are safe whilst they are with us at Taw Tots.
Since the Inspection we have engaged the support of the area’s Early Years advisor from Devon County Council, Helen Stephenson. Helen and her Colleague Sally Rice have been working with the current Committee, Manager and Staff team to build an Action Plan which will form part of the discussions with OFSTED during a future monitoring visit.
In the spirit of openness and transparency, and the fact that as parents and potential future Committee Members you will need to be aware of the steps already taken and the actions planned to work towards a judgement of “Good” or better at our next inspection for Taw Tots.
The most pressing Action focussed on the Risk Assessments and ensuring they are updated and can be easily accessed.
The Taw Tots staff team have attended Early Years age-related training opportunities organised by Devon County Council.
As a team led by the Manager and supported by Devon Council’s Curriculum advisor we are in a period of reflection and implementation to update our Curriculum.
As parents, we have been notified of the updated any changes to our Children’s Key Worker, another matter that was picked up in the moment at the time of the OFSTED report.
We ask that you trust the team and work with us in the spirit of our Charity’s Ethos with parents as partners, and in light of the desperate need to bring new faces to the Committee this will also give you a chance to help shape your child’s development.
We urge you to come along to our Open Committee meeting on Wednesday 3rd July 2024 at 7.30pm at Exbourne Methodist Church and a team’s invite will be shared on the famly app via parent updates.
As a committee, we are also available for individual check-ins should you so wish.
Yours sincerely
Tom Poland Kelly Vallance Pete Vallance
(Chairman) (Secretary) (Treasurer)