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Keeping Safe in the "New Normal"

Keeping everyone who enters Exbourne Pre-School safe is top priority for us. This has meant we've had to make some changes to how we care for our children, engage with parents and carers, and support our staff.

We continue to monitor messaging and guidelines from the Government.
What parents and carers need to know about Early Years providers during COVID-19

Government briefing to Early Years Providers. 


By helping to promote and adopt a "new normal" of vigilance and increased cleanliness this will make a difference in tackling coronavirus.


Click this link for Exbourne Pre-School Covid 19 Risk Assessment.          



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Our Children

A safe and health child is always important to us, at this time we want to create a happy and protected feeling for children.  We know that "social distancing" with little ones isn't always possible, so we are practising minimising non-essential contact wherever we can. This also gives a great opportunity to raise awareness of good hygiene practices like - covering their mouths if they cough or sneeze and washing hands.

  • We'll be maximising outdoor activity and the natural environment as a way to enable children to get plenty of outdoor play and fresh air.

  • Sometimes children are the best at demonstrating "the show must go on", they will still want to learn, play and explore.

  • We've thought about the things and way's we used to do things and how we could continue in the "new world".


Our parents and carers

Our safe and secure Covid-19 Risk Assessment has helped us to identify how we are seeking to keep you in the loop with any health and safety updates. We ask parents or carers consider restricting to one for drop-off and pick up.


Our Staff

Our commitment to the wellbeing and happiness of all children in our care means that we want to look after them in the safest possible way. Like our little ones, only workers who are symptom-free are going to work. All colleagues are aware of the hygiene expectations in the setting. 


Non-essential visits to Pre-School are being kept to a minimum, with essential visits and prospective parents visits being arranged outside of opening hours.

What happens if we have a suspected case of COVID-19


Of any child or staff member starts to show symptoms at nursery, we will act quickly to make sure they and everyone around them are safe.


  • Children who show symptoms should be collected as soon as possible so they can isolate at home.

  • We have an identified space for these pick-ups and a staff member will look after them. This space will be then thoroughly cleaned.

  • If a staff member develops symptoms at Pre-School they will return home immediately, go into isolation and arrange for a COVID-19 test.


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