Keeping Pre-School open
Being a community based, volunteer managed setting, we depend on the goodwill of parents and their involvement to continue. Membership of the setting carries expectations on parents for their support and commitment.
The setting is managed by a parent-led Committee, using the Pre-School Learning Alliance's Model Charity Constitution as our guiding document.
At the current time we are working to transition to the structure of a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) to help future-proof Pre-School Governance. This decision was taken at the 2021 Annual General Meeting.
We always welcome help from parents, and if you feel that being on the committee might not be for you there is a range of other support you can provide to help. Our awesome bear branding was created by one of our parents! Whatever skills and strengths you think you could offer, you could even help get involved in looking at ways to raise funds to improve resources.
We are also keen to explore what other services and activities we can provide as away of using our presence in the local area to expand 0-5 Early Years service provision.

Annual General Meeting 2020 - Exbourne Pre-School
Promotion of this meeting was conducted in line with our constitutional requirements and due to Covid-19 the meeting was held via Zoom.​
Copy of Draft Minutes from the 2020 AGM are available here